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미국은 수년동안 바다소금(Sea Salt)이 대세이다, 소금의 모든 것!!

식용 소금의 종류는? 

짠맛은 다섯 가지 기본 맛 감각 중 하나이다. 

보통, 작은병에 넣어 레스토랑에 놓여지는 테이블 소금은

약 97-99%가 염화나트륨을 함유한 정제염이다. 

테이블 소금은 해수 또는 염수의 증발에 의해 생성된다. 

여기에는 고형방지제인, 나트륨 알루미 실리케이트

또는 탄산 마그네슘 등의 에이전트가 추가된다.

1- 강화 식염 

개발 도상국의 건강문제 해결을 위해 첨가제가 포함되는데,대표적인것이 요오드 염이다.

요오드 결핍은 정신 지체, 풍토 성 갑상선종, 갑상선 기능 저하증의 원인이 될수 있다.

요오드 첨가 식염을 사용하는 국가에서 요오드 결핍 장애를 감소현상이 나타났다.

영국에서 요오드 소금은요오드 함량이 10-22 ppm으로 할 것을 권장하고,

미국 요오드 첨가 식염은 46-77 PPM (백만 분 1)가 포함되었다.

첨가제는 인간의 소비를 위해 안전한 것으로 간주하여

소금 식품 첨가물은 1988 년 독극물 위원회에 의해 사용이 허용되고 있다.

기타 고형방지 첨가제로, 인산 칼슘 또는 마그네슘 탄산염, 

지방 산염 (아세트산 염), 산화 마그네슘, 이산화 규소,

칼슘 실리케이트, 소듐 알루미 노 실리케이트, 칼슘 알루미등이다.

이중 강화 소금

요오드 소금/ 빈혈예방을 위한 요오드와 이 추가된 소금,

엽산 (비타민 B9) 첨가염/ 신경결함과 빈혈을 위한 임신 여성을 위한 노란 색깔의 

불소염/ 충치예방(수돗물 불소화가 실시되지 않은 프랑스에서

판매되는 테이블 소금의 35 %가 불소화 나트륨이 포함).

정제소금 산업자들은 바다소금과 바위소금은 정제소금에 비해 

요오드 결핍 질병을 방지 할 수 있는 충분한 요오드 염을 포함하지 않았다고 말한다.


2- 바다 소금(불규칙한 결정체)

비정제된 바다소금에는 마그네슘과 칼슘 할로겐화물과 

황산염, 조류의 흔적, 박테리아와 퇴적물 입자가 소량이 포함되어 있다.

고운 바다소금(Fine)과 거친(Coarse) 바다소금

바다소금은 맛과 아로마 화합물 분 농도에 의해 음식에 사용할때,

순수한 염화나트륨보다 다양한 맛을 낼수 있다. 

천연 염은 원천지에 따라 각각의 고유한 미네랄 맛을 가진다.

4- Fleur de sel (플뢰르 드 셀)=French pronunciation: [flœr də sɛl])

[플로어 드 셀]은 프랑스제(Product of France)소금 제품.

Fleur de sel ("flower of salt" in French; French pronunciation: [flœr də sɛl])

프랑스어로 소금의 꽃이라는 뜻으로

소금을 증발할때 가장 최상층의 것을 수확한 것으로 총 소금 생산의 5%에만 해당한다.

생산되는 지역에 따라 다른 독특한 맛이 있다. 


보통 셀틱 소금처럼 회색빛을 띄고, 보통의 소금중에서 최저염도를 가진다.


[플로어 드 셀드], 게랑드(Fleur De Sel - de Guerande)란 무엇인가?

게랑드는 관련업체에서 등록한 글을 찾아보니

프랑스의 유명 소금염전을 말한다. 플로어 드 셀드 중에서도

게랑드 염전에서 만든 것으로 금속기구를 전혀 사용하지 않은 오가닉 바다소금이란 뜻.

" Fleur de Sel has traditionally been considered
one of the finest of all Sea-Salts. 

It comes from the uppermost layer of the evaporation ponds,
representing less than 5% of the total production. 
Like Celtic Gray, it is moist but with a lighter gray color,
a delicate flavor and is lowest in sodium among the salts.


Due to its higher cost Fleur de Sel is typically
only used as a finishing table salt applied by hand. 
Fleur de Sel is obtained from the famous
"Guérande" salt ponds and is certified as organic,
meaning that no metal implements were used during its harvesting"





5- 한국 요리에 쓰는 "죽염" 

대나무 양쪽 용기를 진흙으로 막아 소금을 굽는 법으로

대나무와 진흙에서 미네랄을 흡수한 죽염은, 콩된장의 항돌연변이에 기여하는 것으로 알려져있다.

6-코셔 소금,(Kosher salt= 정결 깨끗한 소금)

코셔 소금은 정제한 소금임에도 요오드를 포함하지 않고,

정제소금보다 훨씬 더 큰 입자 크기를 가지고 있다.

요리에 사용하는 경우 맛의 속성이 달라질 수 있고, 정결한 고기요리에 사용된다.

코셔소금은 제품광고 이름인 헤셔(hechsher)로 인증된 것이라야 한다는 속설은 사실이 아니다. 

기타 시장의 소금들

블랙 소금 

인도 시장에서 발견하고 맛에 강한  분홍빛이 도는 회색이고 강한 황산 맛이있는 정제 미네랄 소금.

전통 의학에서는 냉각 향신료로 간주.


염화나트륨의 광물 형태로 일반적으로 무채색에서 

노란색, 라이트 블루, 다크 블루, 핑크 불순물의 양과 종류에 따라 다르다.

용도는 아이스크림제조 또는 결빙도로를 해빙하는데 쓰인다.

히말라야 소금 

파키스탄에서 소금의 마케팅에 사용되는 용어이다. 

음식에 든 천연소금과 소금 대체품

야채와 과일, 훈제​​ 청어, 돼지 고기, 감자등에도 소금이 들어 있다.

동아시아 문화권에서는 테이블 양념으로  보다는

간장, 생선 소스와 굴소스를 요리에 양념으로 쓴다.


소금은 크게 4가지 종류이다=

테이블 소금, 바다 소금, 정결 한 소금, 요오드 소금.

바다소금, 일반식염은 컬러, 텍스쳐, 맛과 향, 추출 방법에서 서로 다르다. 

'소금'은 염화나트륨의 화학 화합물이며, 거의 모든 다세포 생물의 세포 외액에 존재한다. 

염화나트륨(소금)은 바닷물로부터 얻거나 지하광산에서 채굴 할 수 있다. 


일반 소금 

미네랄 암염으로부터 추출 될 수있다 

바다 소금 

바다와 태양으로 추출.


바다 소금 

나트륨 염화물 : 97 % 

칼륨 염화물 : 2 % 

추적 광물 : 1 % 


나트륨 염화물 : 97.5-99 % 

결빙방지 에이전트 : 1-2.5 %



코셔 소금과 바다 소금의 차이 

코셔 소금과 바다 소금은 약 97 %의 염화나트륨으로 구성된 바닷물로 만든 소금.

주요 차이점은 이들 염의 각종 미네랄의 추가이다. 

코셔소금은 첨가물이없는 경우이고,

바다 소금은 특정 첨가제(마그네슘 , 칼슘)가 들어 맛의 차이가 난다. 

코셔는 순수한 염화나트륨이고 바다소금은 영양가를 추가한 정제소금. 

코셔소금은 바다소금보다 천천히 녹는다.

가격을 비교하면, 바다소금이 코셔소금보다 비싸다. 



다이어트와 소금 건강에 대해... 

나트륨은 인체작동과 신경 및 근육을 돕고, 수분 함량 (유체 밸런스)의 조절에 관여하는 요인의 하나이다. 

많은 서구 국가에서의 습관적인 소금 섭취량은 하루에 약 10g 이며, 동유럽과 아시​​아의 많은 나라에서보다 높다. 

이는 가공식품 섭취가 주 원인으로 미국에서 먹는 나트륨의 77 %가 가공식품 및 레스토랑 음식이다.

세계 보건기구 (WHO)는 성인의 하루 소금섭취를 5 g(1ts)으로 권장하고 있다.

높은 염분 섭취는 뇌졸중 및 심혈관 질환의 위험과 관련이 있다.

소금 과다 섭취는 소변으로 칼슘의 배출양을 증가시켜 골다공증과 골절의 위험을 증가시킨다.

저염 다이어트 결과, 혈압이 조절되었다.




왜 바다 소금이 좋은가?

테이블 소금은 지하 소금 광산에서 축출하여

1200 화씨 온도에서 건조한 순수한 염화나트륨으로 건조 공정 후, 첨가물인 

고형 방지제, 표백제, 요오드화 칼륨 등이 혼합된다. 

상업적인 버전 소금은 대부분 독성 알루미늄 유도체를 포함하는데,

이는 알츠하이머 병을 포함한 건강문제에 연루되어왔다. 

바다 소금은 테이블 소금보다 낫다. 

정제된  테이블 소금과는 달리, 자연적으로 수확하고 햇볕에 건조하고, 

쉽게 몸에 흡수되는 미네랄과 전해질이 풍부하게 포함되어 있다.

바다 소금은 필수적인 약 80종의 미네랄 원소 (칼륨, 마그네슘, 칼슘, 나트륨 등)가 포함되어 있다.

천연 바다 소금은 우리몸이 제대로 음식을 소화 할 수 있게 한다.

바다 소금은 수천 년 동안 천식을 치료하는 민간약으로도 사용되어왔다. 

천연 소금은 알츠하이머등 뇌를 청소하는 능력을 가지고 있다. 

자연 소금은 몸 전체 근육과 힘을 유지하기위한 중요하다.

예를 들어, 지속적인 저염섭취는 소화 부진, 요실금,  

창자의 연동 운동 (근육 수축)을 느리게 하는 방광 조절에 영향을 줄 수 있다.

정제된 염화나트륨은 대부분의 서양인 음식에 지출하는 90 %의 포장 식품에 쓰여진다.

정제 테이블 소금과 독성 첨가물을 피하기 위해선 가공 식품을 피하고, 식품의 라벨을 확인해야 한다. 

신선한 고기가 정제소금으로 만든 스프에 들어 있을 수도 있다.

레스토랑에서 정제된 소금을 거절해야 하고, 

만성 피로 증후군이 있는 경우에는 바다 소금을 택해야 한다.

천연 바다 소금은 미네랄이 든 습기가 있는 회색이다.

일부 장인의 천연 소금은 다양한 미네랄을 반영한, 핑크, 황색 또는 검은 색이며 고유의 맛이 있다.

추천하는 바다 소금은 손 브리트니 바다에서 긁어모아 만든 셀틱 바다 소금 회사 제품이다. 

유타의 선사 시대 해저에서 얻은 "히말라야 핑크 바다소금" 과 "리얼솔트" 또한 좋은 선택이다.

PS. 이것은 아래 영어 백과를 비롯한 다양한 소스들에 대한 번역을 해서 정리한 글입니다.

바다소금을 써야하는 이유는 제 주장이 아니고, 이 소스에만 있는 것도 아니고,

현재, 미국 영양학자들과 건강학자와 시장의 상황입니다.

몇권의 원서로 읽은 후,( 적어도 저는 !! 바다소금만을 써야하는 이유를 가지게 됨)

그에 대한 자세한 정보는 다음 소금 리서치에서 더 밝히도록 하겠습니다.


Edible Salt

Saltiness is one of the five basic taste sensations.

Salt shaker for personal use Table salt is a refined salt containing about 97 to 99 percent sodium chloride.

Usually, anticaking agents such as sodium aluminosilicate or magnesium carbonate are added to make it free-flowing. 

1- Fortified table salt

Some table salt sold for consumption contain 

additives which address a variety of health concerns, especially in the developing world. 

The identities and amounts of additives vary widely from country to country.

 Iodized salt 

has been used to correct these conditions since 1924 and consists of table salt mixed with a minute amount of potassium iodide, sodium iodide or sodium iodate. 

A small amount of dextrose may also be added to stabilize the iodine.

 Iodine deficiency affects about two billion people around the world and is the leading preventable cause of mental retardation.

 Iodine is an important micronutrient for humans, and a deficiency of the element can cause lowered production of thyroxine (hypothyroidism) and enlargement of the thyroid gland (endemic goitre) in adults or cretinism in children.

 Iodized table salt has significantly reduced disorders of iodine deficiency in countries where it is used.

US iodized salt contains 

46–77 ppm (parts per million), whereas in the UK the iodine content of iodized salt is recommended to be 10–22 ppm.

 The additive is considered safe for human consumption.

 The safety of sodium ferrocyanide as a food additive was found to be provisionally acceptable by the Committee on Toxicity in 1988.

Other anticaking agents,  tricalcium phosphate, calcium or magnesium carbonates, fatty acid salts (acid salts), magnesium oxide, silicon dioxide, calcium silicate, sodium aluminosilicate and calcium aluminosilicate. 

 "doubly fortified salt", 

both iodide and iron salts are added. 

The latter alleviates iron deficiency anaemia, which interferes with the mental development of an estimated 40% of infants in the developing world. 

 Another additive, especially important for pregnant women, is folic acid (vitamin B9), which gives the table salt a yellow color. 

Folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects and anaemia, which affect young mothers, especially in developing countries.

A lack of fluorine in the diet is the cause of a greatly increased incidence of dental caries.

Fluoride salts 

can be added to table salt with the goal of reducing tooth decay, especially in countries that have not benefited from fluoridated toothpastes and fluoridated water. 

The practice is more common in some European countries where water fluoridation is not carried out. In France, 35% of the table salt sold contains added sodium fluoride.

The refined salt industry cites scientific studies saying that raw sea and rock salts do not contain enough iodine salts to prevent iodine deficiency diseases.

2- Irregular crystals of sea salt

Unrefined sea salt contains small amounts of magnesium and calcium 

halides and sulphates, traces of algal products, salt-resistant bacteria and sediment particles. 

Since taste and aroma compounds are often detectable by humans in minute concentrations, sea salt may have a more complex flavour than pure sodium chloride when sprinkled on top of food. 

Different natural salts have different mineralities depending on their source, giving each one a unique flavour. 

3- Fleur de sel, 

a natural sea salt from the surface of evaporating brine in salt pans, has a unique flavour varying with the region from which it is produced.

4- Korean cuisine, "bamboo salt"

 is prepared by roasting salt in a bamboo container plugged with mud at both ends. 

This product absorbs minerals from the bamboo and the mud, 

and has been claimed to increase the anti clastogenic and anti mutagenic properties of doenjang (a fermented bean paste).

5-Kosher salt

 though refined, contains no iodine and has a much larger grain size than most refined salts. 

This can give it different properties when used in cooking, and can be useful for preparing kosher meat. 

Some kosher salt has been certified to meet kosher requirements by a hechsher, but this is not true for all products labelled as kosher salt.

Salt in food

vegetables and fruit, kipper, pork, potatoes

In many East Asian cultures, salt is not traditionally used as a condiment.

such as soy sauce, fish sauce and oyster sauce tend to have for cooking rather than as table condiments.

Other Market Salt

Black salt 

It is usually found in Indian markets and is strong in flavor. It is an unrefined mineral salt that is actually pinkish gray and has a strong sulfuric flavor. In traditional medicine, black salt is considered a cooling spice in Ayurvedic medicine.

Rock salt 

Rock salt also called halite and it is inedible. It is the mineral form of NaCl, typically is colorless to yellow, sometime may also in light blue, dark blue, and pink depending on the amount and type of impurities. The primary use is to make ice cream. It is also used to clear highway from icing during winter.

Himalayan salt

This is a term used for marketing of rock salt from Pakistan. 

Diet and health

Sodium serves a useful purpose in the human body: 

it helps nerves and muscles to function correctly, and it is one of the factors involved in the regulation of water content (fluid balance).

The habitual salt intake in many Western countries is about 10 g per day, and it is higher than that in many countries in Eastern Europe and Asia.

 The high level of sodium in many processed foods has a major impact on the total amount consumed.

 In the United States, 77% of the sodium eaten comes from processed and restaurant foods.

High salt intake is associated with a greater risk of stroke and total cardiovascular disease in susceptible people.

 A low salt diet results in a greater improvement in blood pressure.

High sodium intake has also been linked to other conditions, such as heart failure, kidney problem and stroke. A high level of salt intake increases the amount of calcium excreted in the urine. This may contribute to osteoporosis and increased risk of fracture.

The World Health Organization recommends that

all adults should consume less than 2,000 mg of sodium (5 g of salt) per day.

Difference Between Sea Salt and Table Salt?

Sodium chloride (NaCl), which is often referred to as 'common salt', 

is the chemical compound which makes sea water salty.

It is also present in the extracellular fluid of almost all multicellular organisms. 

NaCl can either be obtained from sea water or mined from underground deposits.

Table salt, sea salt, kosher salt, and iodized salt (which is a form of table salt with iodine added to it) 

are the four main types of salts available to us. 

Table Salt

It can be extracted from the rock salt (halite), that is formed on the mineral beds due to drying of water bodies

Sea Salt

As the name suggests, this type of salt is extracted from the seas and oceans.

Table Salt

It can be extracted using two methods- Mining and Solution Mining.

Mining involves rock salt mining.

In solution mining, water is injected, drilled into the underground salt layers.

The salt dissolves in water, converting it into brine.

(magnesium, calcium, potassium and other trace mineralsare removed)

 It is then sent for evaporation.

Steam is used for heating the brine. 

This leads to the formation of small crystals of salt.

Sea Salt

It is extracted just by evaporating water from the sea or the ocean. 

Salt crystals are left behind in the pools after evaporation.

Sometimes it is produced by artificial heating, which gives away larger flakes of salt.

This process of salt production is quite expensive as compared to mining.

However, considering the rich mineral content that is retained after processing, the expense is worth it.

Sea Salt
Sodium Chloride: 97%
Potassium Chloride: 2%
Trace Minerals: 1%

Table Salt
Sodium Chloride: 97.5 - 99%
Anti-caking Agents: 1 - 2.5%

Difference Between Kosher Salt and Sea Salt

sea-saltKosher Salt vs Sea Salt

Kosher salt and sea salt are most often used for cooking and cosmetics. Though both the salts are obtained by the evaporation of seawater, kosher salt and sea salt are different in many ways.

Both kosher salt and sea salt consist of about 97 per cent sodium chloride. 

The main difference is the addition of various minerals to these salts. 

Where kosher salt has no additives, sea salt has certain additives that make it different. 

Magnesium and calcium are added to sea salt, and this gives it a different taste, a taste that is different from kosher salt.

Kosher salt is unrefined salt, whereas sea salt is refined. 

Kosher salt can be called pure sodium chloride, whereas sea salt is sodium chloride with additives. 

While sea salt has added nutrition, kosher salt has no additional nutrition.

When comparing the crystals, kosher salt come in bigger crystals when compared to sea salt. 

Kosher salt has a flat platelet shape, whereas sea salt has more pyramid shaped crystals. 

Kosher salts also have a larger surface area in comparison with sea salt. 

Another difference that can be seen is that the kosher salts absorb more moisture than the sea salt. 

Well, kosher salt is widely preferred for curing meats than the sea salts.

When comparing the price, sea salt is more expensive than

kosher salt because of the difference in their preparation.


1. Kosher salt comes with no additives; sea salt has certain additives that make it different.

2. Kosher salt can be called pure sodium chloride whereas sea salt is sodium chloride with additives.

3. While sea salt has added nutrition, kosher salt comes with no additional nutrition.

4. Kosher salt is unrefined salt, whereas sea salt is refined.

5. Kosher salts have a larger surface area when compared to sea salt.

6. Kosher salts have bigger crystals when compared to sea salt.

7. Kosher salt has a flat platelet shape, whereas sea salt have more pyramid shaped crystals.

8. When comparing kosher salt and sea salt, the former one mentioned, dissolves more slowly.

Why Sea Salt is Good for You (And Table Salt is Not)

Major table salt producing companies mine unpalatable rock salt from the earth, 

then dry it in huge, fossil-fuel-guzzling kilns with temperatures 

reaching 1200 degrees F. 

This changes the salt’s chemical structure into pure sodium chloride, an unnatural chemical form of salt that your body recognizes as a foreign substance it wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible;

after this extremely energy-intensive drying process, toxic additives like fluoride, 

anti-caking agents, excessive amounts of potassium iodide and other poisons are mixed into the salt. 

Many versions of commercial salt also contain toxic aluminum derivatives, 

which have been implicated in a number of health conditions,including Alzheimer’s disease.

All these additives can cause discoloration in salt, so bleaching agents are 

then used to restore the desirable white color. 

The end product is a highly industrial, toxic pseudo-food Americans have come to think of as “salt” that causes the potential for a myriad of health problems.

Sea salt is better than table salt, by a wide margin. 

In contrast to refined table salt, most sea salt is naturally harvested and dried in the sun, and contains a wealth of trace minerals and electrolytes that are easily assimilated by your body. 

Unlike refined salt which contains only 2 or 3 elements, sea salt contains about 80 mineral elements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium and more) that are essential in small amounts for a variety of functions in the body.

Another benefit of natural salt is that it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and digestive enzymes in the mouth and intestines, which are necessary for the body to utilize nutrients from the foods we eat. 

This can be especially beneficial for people whose diet consists mainly of cooked foods, since cooking foods destroys enzyme content. Natural sea salt can help the body digest these foods properly.

Sea salt has been used as a primary medicine for thousands of years. Sea salt can help relieve asthma (by putting a small amount on the tongue and letting it dissolve after drinking a large glass of water). There is a new class of asthma inhalers now that use salt solution only it works so well.

Natural salts have the ability to clean out the acidity in the brain which is very helpful with Alzheimer’s.

Natural salts are also vital for maintaining muscle tone and strength throughout the body. For example, ongoing low salt intake can affect bladder control in those who have urinary incontinence, and can slow down peristalsis (muscular contractions) in your intestines, leading to sluggish digestion.

Refined sodium chloride is added to almost every preserved, packaged and processed product that you eat. Unless you diligently read every package label, it’s very easy to get too much of this industrial chemical and throw your body out of balance. This is important since over 90% of the money that most Westerners spend on food is for processed, packaged foods.

To avoid refined table salt and its toxic additives, avoid processed foods as much as possible, and be careful to check the labels of the other foods you buy. Even fresh meats are often packaged in broths made with refined salt.

To avoid the refined salt shaker at restaurants, you can carry packets of sea salt in your purse or wallet. If you have adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome, you should carry sea salt with you everywhere!

Unrefined, natural sea salt is not white and dry; it is gray with minerals and feels damp. Some artisanal natural salts are pink, yellowish or even black to reflect the diverse mineral sources they come from. Each type of natural salt has its own unique flavor to experiment with.

You can find natural, unrefined salts at Whole Foods, natural food stores, as well as online. 

My favorite sea salt is from the Celtic Sea Salt Company, 

which sells unrefined salt that is hand raked from the Brittany sea. 

Himalayan Pink Sea Salt and Real Salt from prehistoric sea beds in Utah are also nice choices.



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Why Sea Salt is Good for You (And Table Salt is Not)


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